at Futures with Peter

Peter and I met recently at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival. He's an extraordinarily warm and personable guy. I bought one of his zines. It compiled much of his work form his high school days. It was really funny stuff. He's got an interesting technique he developed in his new drawings where he draws, edits then photocopies, and repeats numerous times, building an image several generations along that is highly detailed and immersive. He's a young guy with great focus and intelligence who is quietly and obsseisively mastering his craft. We chatted about all kinds of stuff and I had a great time hanging with him. Later Paula dropped into the restaurant and so did Jacob with his manga crazed friend Keeyana. So Peter got the whole Eisenstein treatment for a few minutes before he had to go off to work.

This is my favorite peice by Peter. I'm going to try to trade him one of my drawings for this. There's a Charles Burns macabre aspect to everything he does. Really kind of campfire creepy in a spooky fun way.